Why would you tell the elders?
That makes no sense. It's his life to live however he chooses. It's not your secret to tell........
the problem is i have a baptized witness going out on service door to door giveing comments at kh who for the last 4 years has had sex with at least 10 prostitutes and regularly takes drugs ie speed the cong has no idea he's doing this he says he will never go to elders for fear his family will shun him if df so he continues i know because he tells me everything should i tell the elders or not.
Why would you tell the elders?
That makes no sense. It's his life to live however he chooses. It's not your secret to tell........
it is hard to teach that the earth is flat these day do to a more informed society, and now that we have entered the information age i see a whole new ball game is before a rather ignorant bunch of old farts called the governing body.
these guys are totally ignorant by choice and are trying desperately to keep their captive's ignorant for as long as possible.
the gb's internet apperances are all laughable to any sane individual and a total embarasement.
From what I can see in my family, the curiosity isn't there, because if they allow the Watchtower to make all the decisions for them, they aren't responsible for the outcome. If they make their own decisions then the outcome is theirs, and they are reluctant to take on that responsibility.
this was a comment i made from another post, but i would like to hear some people discuss this.
i know the social justice warriors will scream i'm some sort of trump supporter for what i say even though i don't agree with his ideas and no i am not voting for him... i accept this is a go to for them.. i think we have fallen into a pc vacuum.. criticizing someones religion = racism!.
telling someone to not be so sensitive = misogyny!.
It does seem as though people do get their feelings hurt easily. The problem for me is that some people ( not referring to anyone specifically) are very very sensitive and then expect the rest of the world to change to sooth their insecurities.
i got over that fairly quickly after leaving the JW's where you are practically taught to be offended by everything. As a woman working in a male dominated field a thick skin is required, no one is going to coddle me.
Besides if no one challenges my beliefs how will I grow and learn?
i almost had a freaking heart attack.
i even threw my coffee cup at the wall and starting yelling like crazy when i got the the 5th number correct.
i was checking my texas lottery ticket for this past saturday.
so last night we get a phone call from our girl & she tells me the above.
turns out she has been d'ed for a month.
infact she made me turn off the speaker phone so her dad wouldn't hear & i could tell him quietly later.
Atonement- are you kidding me???? You think shunning isn't as bad as some people on this board make it out to be......... Why don't you talk to one of my young relatives whose parents have done terrible things to him/her and haven't spoke to him/her since he/she was df'd. It's a terribly cruel thing to do to a young person. Hell I'm not even Df'd and my siblings haven't spoken to me in years.
Sabin - I hope your daughter can see tatt before she goes back.
i applaud anyone, male or female, who overcomes shallowness and looks at a person’s deeper qualities, especially in regard dating and marriage.
the movie and fashion industry does much to institute shallowness to the point that, in my opinion, it promotes outright discrimination and judgmentalism even as they give lip service to tolerance..
on the other hand, among jehovah’s witnesses, there seem to be a preponderance of incompatible marriages.
I think when you are not allowed to be your true self, and are obsessed with pretending to be something you are not, there is no way a marriage could be fulfilling.
I am so glad that I didn't get married until after I left. I have been married for more than 15 years and love my husband more today than ever. We also are able to let each other grow and learn and change without the confines of a cult. I know I wouldn't have the opportunity to explore different interests if I had married a JW.
there are a couple of schools of thought on this.
some doctors recommend postponing surgery others recommend laparascopic surgery, etc.
how about local anesthesia, complications during and after surgery and other concerns.
are df, da and apostates still shunned?
are each treated differently?
i heard a secondhand report that they seemed to have eased up on this practice ...
paragraph 14: .
"this means that we need to examine our heart constantly to see if it is being enticed by worldly entertainment, associations, and styles of dress and grooming.
or the love of the world might involve efforts to attain “great things,” such as through the pursuit of higher education.
paragraph 14: .
"this means that we need to examine our heart constantly to see if it is being enticed by worldly entertainment, associations, and styles of dress and grooming.
or the love of the world might involve efforts to attain “great things,” such as through the pursuit of higher education.
Yes it is terrible to get a degree. My first job after college graduation offered $72k it was just awful to have to figure out what to do with the money. Paying our bills off, taking a small vacation etc. The yacht and island will have to wait I guess............
My still in siblings are always having a hard time with their bills and if the kids need anything or they have unexpected doctor bills it's a disaster. I feel bad for their kids, I used to help them out, but once they started shunning me and still expected me to help them, I said no thanks.